Many HR professionals are returning from much needed vacations (or short stints in rehab) after meeting the March 2nd deadline for providing employees their 2016 Form 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage. Welcome back. Unfortunately we don’t have any good news on the ACA reporting front.

The House Republicans have introduced the American Health Care Act. It’s time to scan the text to see what it might mean for our companies. We’ll leave it to the lawyers to parse the language thoroughly in the coming days. What does seem to be missing is a repeal of employer reporting requirements. So those of us hoping for some relief from Form 1095 reporting will have to wait for further legislation or action from the administration.

It’s possible that once a final bill makes it to the President’s desk that the IRS may provide some reporting relief, but at the moment, we’re still on the hook for Form 1095 in 2017.

Unhappy with your ACA reporting this year? Give us a call at (866) 445-5917. We’d be happy to discuss the ACA Reporting package inside the InfinityHR HRIS.

InfinityHR has created a comprehensive ACA Reporting Package that contains the information you need to comply with ACA regulations.

1094-C & 1095-C Forms: Print to Mail &
E-Filing Based on IRS Guidelines and Schemas

System Overview – Click here to view >>



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